Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rainy days

I'm amazed at how much I'm starting to enjoy rainy days here on the homestead. Back in the city, a rainy day made the house feel like a prison - here, a rainy day feels like a welcome respite from farm chores and sunburn. I should be cleaning out the barn or planning the next round of fencing, but the rain gives me a perfectly good excuse to hang around inside. I've spent the morning in the kitchen instead, baking bread (rye and cinnamon raisin) in my $10 treasure of a bread machine, and trying to get ahead of this week's cooking by making things ahead. As I'm sitting here typing, I'm eating an apple-bacon-brie omelet. I wish it was made from my own eggs and apples, but it's still delicious, and I know that day will come soon enough!

Speaking of cooking - for any of you in Ohio who are interested in eating locally, I've found a terrific source for fresh milk and old-fashioned roll butter. Hartzler Dairy based out of Wooster sends their products to several stores in my area, and I suspect other parts of the state as well. Their cream-top (non-homogenized) milk, bottled in glass, is just out of this world! The 2% milk tastes like "normal grocery" whole milk, and their whole milk? Heavenly. I wasn't a big milk drinker before, but since I've been getting Hartzler's milk, I've often been finding myself craving a glass. I'd recommend it to anyone looking for locally-produced fresh milk, non-homogenized and regular (not ultra) pasteurized.


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