Friday, April 24, 2009

I know this blog should be more diversified

I realize I've been so focused on getting the chickens settled lately that I haven't had time to give updates on the other aspects of our little homestead. So, rest assured that soon, I'll be flooding this blog with photos of the sled dogs, seedlings (which are now growing into actual plants, who would've guessed?), wildlife around the property, and spring photos.

I also want to post my mini-tutorial on building a self-watering planter, and document my next project, which is building a compost bin... not to mention, talk about how to make your own homemade breads and pastas (delicious). Spring is such a busy time of year that it makes for good blogging (and really bad time-management).

1 comment:

  1. So excited to see you have a blog about your homestead!!! I've subscribed on Google Reader and can't wait to see how things go this summer!!
