Monday, April 20, 2009

Chicken teenagers

Take a look at these guys, approaching 6 weeks of age! Pictured is Freebie, my White-Crested Black Polish, Chip and Red, two Ameracuana sisters, and my two Barred Rock twins (who don't have names yet). They are starting to look like actual chickens now. I took them outside for their first taste of grass and sunshine the other day, and they really seemed to enjoy themselves! Watching them look curiously up at the blue sky, scratch in the loose soil, eat grass, and chase bugs, reminded me why I believe in free-ranging these birds.

They have really outgrown the brooder, and need to be moved to the coop ASAP. I spent several days last week painting the inside of the coop, installing a bedding board (a wood plank that holds the bedding away from the front door of the coop), and figuring out where I'm going to hang their feeder and waterer.

I've also had to figure out how to erect and tighten my first woven-wire fence for their run. I'm amazed at what a finicky and frustrating job this can be! After 2 days of sore thumbs, calloused fingers, and lots of trial-and-error, I'm proud to say that I'm finally on my way. One side of the run is completed, nice and straight and tight - 2 more to go.

I know I haven't had much time to post lately, but it's all for the best - today, my husband and I officially sold our old house! I am just thrilled, and so relieved. Now we can concentrate on enjoying our homestead and rebuilding our savings (yep, in this economy we took a slight loss on our old house). Here's to a new single-mortgage era in my household!

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