Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Unexpected visitor

Yes, that is a frog on my bathroom mirror. Somehow, I find it hard to believe that any of you would find this event surprising.

About 20 minutes ago, Byron and I were reading downstairs, when I heard one of the dogs bark. Instinctively, my gaze flew to the windows. Imagine my shock when I saw a clear amphibian silhouette plastered there (on the outside of the window, thank goodness - that would indicate a real problem otherwise).

From the other side of the room, I was sure it was a toad, likely clinging to the window screen. But when I got a closer look, the distinctly webbed feet with rounded toes gave the little guy away - here was a true frog! I knew right away it was a Gray Treefrog, from its size and the huge round toes... and I rushed outside to get a closer look. I had never seen one of these frogs in person before. They are extremely elusive and rarely venture out of the treetops, and their camouflauge is so excellent that you'd never notice they were there.

My awe grew even more when I stepped onto the deck and saw that the frog wasn't hanging on screen, but on bare glass! He climbed the slick surface as though it was nothing. Gently, I picked him up and carried him to the bathroom so I could snap a few photos before setting him back on his way.

I'm sure you can all guess what happened at this point. The little frog leaped right out of my hands, and straight onto the wall. From the wall, he leaped to the toilet paper holder, and from the holder onto the bathroom mirror. I laughed from the bottom of my gut - the little clown's antics were just amazing, and he seemed as at-home in my bathroom as he would've been in the yard. If frogs could be good-natured, I'm sure this one would've been.

I don't think I can adequately express how much I adore living here. It's like my second childhood (as if I ever left the first).

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