Friday, August 14, 2009

Lost and ... found!

I don't think I could be any more cheerful this morning! My missing hen, Freebie, is safe and sound! I am absolutely flabberghasted that a Crested Polish hen, with the worst vision (thanks to that giant feather poof on her head) out of all the chooks, made it a whole night safely "in the wild".

When I walked outside just now to open the coop, there she was, wandering aimlessly around the barn. I have no idea where she spent the night, but she is incredibly jumpy this morning - can't say I blame her!

She followed me back to the coop and ran right in when I opened the run and coop doors. Once inside, she immediately helped herself to a double helping of grains and cracked corn. I guess even traumatic experiences can't trump a chicken's appetite!

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