Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Jasper can fly

...or, "Why Wolfdogs Require a Very Tall Fence".

As some of you know, I have a new foster dog here that was just pulled from a county pound a couple weeks ago. His name is Jasper, and he is a wolfdog (wolf hybrid). I've been helping a wolf rescue organization for the past several months, learning how to evaluate and temperament-test animals, as well as take photographs and help transport the wolfdogs to their destinations. Jasper is the first wolfdog foster I have had here in several months.

I caught Jasper and Willow playing together last night, and was just amazed at the aerial acrobatics this animal could pull off. Willow is capable of feats like this as well, but generally doesn't bother to expend so much energy at once (unless she is directing that energy towards scaling a fence). I wish the lighting could have allowed for better photos, but I'm sure this isn't the last time I'll see Jasper attempting to take flight.


  1. He is an amazing looking boy! If I were closer I would have a new 'dog' in my yard!
    Your ligh color dog is very pretty as well.

  2. Fantastic! I'm really curious to hear more about the wolfdog and his temperament. I hear such worrisome things, but I want to hear from someone in the know!

    Also, do you make the shelters? They're fabulous
