The story is, every year, our quirky rural town hosts the Annual Return of the Buzzards. They serve up a huge pancake breakfast, and then everyone goes over to the park to spot buzzards and chat. Despite the carrion-eating bird theme, it's a great time, and a fantastic oppurtunity for socializing puppies!
Tempo went along, carried in my arms, since her vaccinations are not completed yet. We spent most of the day hanging out at a picnic table. All in all, she met close to 80 people today - kids, men, women, elderly, all different races, folks with weird hats, costumes and masks (all buzzard-themed, of course). She did beautifully and showed not a hint of shyness! She got fed tons of treats, performed her Sits, Downs, and Touches, and licked and wagged and wiggled her way into so many people's hearts!
One of these folks was so enamored with her, that she spent a good portion of the day snapping photos of little Tempo.
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